Monday, May 2, 2016

Getting to Know Us! Syira, Fatin and Adilah~

Assalamualaikum, hai.

Okay, in this post, we're going to introduce ourselves. So here we go,

Hi everyone, my name is Fathiah Syahirah but people call me syira :) I am 23 years old and come from Gombak. I am 3rd year student, 2nd semester of Bachelor of Education, majoring in Guidance and Counseling. OK then, what's more you all want to know? hehe. I don't know what to write eventhough before typing this post, I was very super-excited to start blogging as before. haha. OH, why not I shared about my culture-background seems that this blog purposely for cross-culture counseling right? OK, I start with my mother's side. My grandmother comes from Java, Bugis and Chinese culture. While my grandfather didn't have any mix culture in their lineage and they stay in Johor which has a very own complicated culture practices. Compare to my father's side, his family are pure Malay that has their own respective culture from East Coast. hehe. It can bee seen that I myself has own a few different culture in my family but still have a very little knowledge about each culture. So, hopefully, this subject could help me and all to gain more knowledge on others cultures <3 Last but not least, I hope that all of you enjoy blogwalking here :)

Hello guys! My name is Fatin. Similar to Syira, I am a third year student of B.Ed Guidance and Counseling. It is funny to note that while searching for my picture to post here, I finally realize that I do not have picture of myself alone. >,< Luckily, I snapped this picture during our class visit to Orang Asli Museum. But still, I am not alone in this picture. Hoho. There are a couple of headless creatures there! Creepy right? Haha. Okay. Well, to speak about my cultural background is quite hard because I do not know specifically about my cultural lineage. Both my parents are Penangites. Penang is a small state in Malaysia located in the nothern part of this country. Being the daugther of a military officer, I moved frequently. I was born in Sarawak, went to kindergarten in Kuala Lumpur, started my primary school in Melaka, then back to Kuala Lumpur and later moved to Penang after my father's retirement. Even though it was sad to move around but I managed to befriends with many people from a variety of cultural backgrounds. Interestingly, studying in IIUM also allows me to make friends from various cultural background not only from Malaysia but from all over the world. Yeay~ Last words from me, may all of you enjoy reading our blog! ^_^

Assalamualaikum and Hi everyone!! 

I am Adilah Mardiah Binti Zakaria and same goes with Syira and Fatin, I am 3rd year student in Bachelor of Education majoring in Guidance and Counseling. Look up to the picture, yeah that’s me. This is during our class visit to Muzium Orang Asli in Gombak. This is at the side of Senoi Prak which is the police and wariors for Orang Asli and there is s telephone. (Its huge and heavy). So here we go! We are together in creating our blog for the cross cultural counseling subject and I found that it is fun to write about various cultures and post it in this blog. Even though I rarely writing for blog :p . Hence, the visiters also get some information regarding cross culture that we post here. It’s good ya. As we know, Malaysia has multiculture consist of Malay, India and Cina which is the major one. However, there are many other multiculture, ethnics and tribes in our country and even in our Family we have differences. For instance, I am from Kelantan, my parents are pure Kelantanese so I am the pure one too. :p I have 11 siblings and I’m the 10th. 7 of my family members got married and I got 23 nephews and nieces. I have a big family and my brother and sister in law are coming from different culture like Boyan, Jawa and pure Melayu. But we are never making it differences and respect their culture as they respect ours as one family. In order to respect other, we must to know them first. Knowing what?? By knowing and aware of their culture background we are able to understand them better. So, here we provide this blog in order to know other culture better. Enjoy your reading. J


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